Wednesday, July 13, 2011

7/11/2011 - More Time Off

I know that I haven’t posted in while, but my medical life has been quite uneventful for the last 3 months.  Yesterday I had my 6 month post treatment follow-up visit with Dr. Kipps.  The good news is that all my blood numbers remain stable and my physical exam was excellent.  Once again he said see you in three months.   End of short report.

Over the last several months several close friends have been going thru their own battles with cancer.  I pray that their outcomes are going to be as good as mine has been.  The mental stress of all of this can be overwhelming to both the patients and to the caregivers.  Keep up the good fight.

After not having a real vacation in over 3 years, we got to go to Hawaii in May where we were able to see our oldest daughter Aimee get married.  In September we will be going to Seattle to see our son Matt, get married.  It has been great to feel well enough to start planning and enjoying some of the things that retirement (and grown children) has to offer.


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

The good news continues. I'm so grateful your days are happy and healthy. For some reason these updates linger in my junk mail, so I just saw it. Seeing you soon - we'll try and hold some sun for you. Love, Rebecca