Thursday, March 17, 2011

03/17/11 – Boring once again

I feel strange writing when there is nothing going on. But because people are asking me what is going on, I feel compelled to update my blog and tell everyone that everything is going quite well. End of short report.

A short recap. On February 22nd I saw Dr. Kipps and everything looked good. However, the only way to really determine the depth of the remission is to do a bone marrow biopsy. So yesterday we went down to La Jolla and I once again got to experience the joy of a bone marrow biopsy. The best way to describe the procedure is that it is like taking a corkscrew and screwing it into your hip. Donna was watching it and was wondering if the Dr. was going to pull a cork out of my hip. It was a little uncomfortable, and I am a little sore today, but as I have experienced in the past, this will go away in a couple of days. I did get a blood test yesterday and all my numbers are good, and my liver enzymes are well within the normal limits.

On April 5th I go back down to La Jolla and see Dr. Kipps. At this time we will go over the results of the bone marrow biopsy, but my hope is that the results will be positive. I still feel good, playing golf on a regular basis, and planning trips to Maui and Seattle.

Boring Terry


Jack said...

Way to go, Terry. Hope you continue to do well and get a good result from the biopsy.

Amy said...

Great news. Thx 4 the boring update. I'm one who has been in need of an update. Glad to know you're doing well!! XO Amy

Kevin said...


This is one time where boring is a positive thing. Keep up the boring progress!!