Monday, December 17, 2007

11/20/07 First Rituxan Treatment

Well, I am back home after the 'easy treatment' I am not sure who came up with that definition, but it was anything but.

The treatment lasted 11 1/2 hours, all at the infusion center by Long Beach Memorial. I wound up being the last patient there and walked out with the staff as they turned out the lights.

I had some scary moments around noon when my Blood pressure dropped from 110/64 to 67/47. They quickly adjusted all the meds, and added some new ones to the IV mix, but still had to keep the infusion at a much slower rate than normal.

The staff at the Infusion center was absolutely great and was really my advocate during this whole ordeal. They were in constant contact with the Dr, and even got an earlier appt on my transfusion.

I feel a little better to day, still a little light headed, but drinking a lot of water to flush all the excess white blood cells out. I have none of the other symptoms that can be associated with this drug, so that is a good sign.

I go in Monday for my red blood cell transfusion which will be about a 6 hour deal, then go back on next Friday for my next round of Rituxan, which hopefully will be a shorter and more pleasant experience.

All for now


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