Monday, December 17, 2007

11/25/07 More Transfusions

Well, continuing the ongoing saga.

You may remember that Friday I was supposed to go down and get blood. I was supposed to be down there at 1:30, because they couldn't get the blood until noon. I was also supposed to get 2 units, but arriving that late I could only get one unit on Friday because they close at 4:00pm. So I had to come back at 9:30 on Saturday to get the other unit. Luckily for us we have some wonderful relatives (Lisette and Angelo) who live 15 minutes from the Infusion Center. So we got to spend the night with them instead of driving back home and then back again the following morning.

I got the second unit on Saturday and then they tested my blood to see what my Red numbers were. When I went in on Friday they were 6.9, and when I left they were 8.4. So I have gone up some, but still am going down on a regular basis. The goal is to get the Red (Hemoglobin) up to around 9.0 for a couple of weeks so I can have the next round of Chemo. I am still hoping that the Prednisone and the IVIG will allow me to start producing and keeping my own Red Cells. My Whites continue down and they were 153,000 yesterday, which is the lowest they have been.

My guess is that I will need a couple of units of blood at the end of next week. But I guess only time will tell.


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Anonymous said...

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